A Complete Guide To Writing The Findings Section Of A Dissertation

Theoretically, the findings section of a dissertation is one of the most interesting chapters of the dissertation because it tells the audience members what you have observed and found while creating a monument of your dissertation. After collecting and analyzing the data for your dissertation, you can easily commence the writing process of the findings section of the dissertation. In the findings section of the dissertation, you have not only reported the main findings of your research but you have to also explain how these findings are related to the main research questions. A complete guide to writing findings section of a dissertation is given below;

When to write dissertation findings chapter?

After collecting and analyzing the data for your dissertation, you can easily commence the writing process of the findings section of the dissertation. It will provide you with a chance to report the most important and reportable findings of your research work. Some essential tips to write findings section of a dissertation are given below;

1) You should present all the findings of your dissertation in the past sentence.

2) The length of the findings section depends upon the collection and analysis of the data. Therefore, you should adjust its length accordingly.

3) While collecting and analyzing the data for your dissertation, you can find lots of results to add in the findings section of the dissertation. You just need to add only those results that are relevant to the research questions or research hypothesis of your dissertation.

How to report quantitative findings?

The best way to report the quantitative findings of your dissertation is that you should try to structure them around the research hypothesis. The reporting of the results in the findings chapter depends upon your data analysis process. This data analysis process will tell you either specific findings are supporting your research questions or not. The most important aspect of reporting the quantitative findings is that you should try to report your results in the form of charts, graphs and tables etc. These charts, graphs and tables are helpful to you to provide an understanding to the audience members about the emerging trends and relationships of the key findings. In order to summarize your results, it is also important for you to add text in these charts, graphs and tables. There is no need to repeat any result. Its reason is that this repetition will provide an idea to the audience members that you are short of ideas. 

How to report qualitative findings?

The most common issue that most students have to face while reporting qualitative findings is that they don’t find the results that have a direct relation with the hypothesis and research questions of the dissertation. Under such a situation, you should try to frame your results around the main theme of these research questions and hypothesis. While presenting qualitative findings, you can add all the developments, relationships and independent responses that have a direct relation with your research questions or hypothesis. While reporting qualitative findings, you should make sure that there is no need to report those findings that don’t have any kind of relationship with your main questions or hypothesis. 

What to avoid in dissertation findings chapter?

There are some things that should not be added to the dissertation findings chapter. These things are explained below;

1) There is no need to add interpretive and subjective phrases in the findings chapter of the dissertation.

2) There is no need to provide detailed information about any result in the findings section of the dissertation. 

What to do while writing findings chapter?

There are some things that are necessary to add while writing the findings chapter of the dissertation. These things are explained below;

1) You should make sure that you have presented the results that are based on your own research. In other words, there is no need to interpret the results of other research papers as your own in your dissertation.

2) You should try to add only those results that are relevant to the main questions and hypothesis of your dissertation.

3) For a better understanding of your results in the findings section, you can use tables, charts and graphs. 

4) In order to analyze the results and to generate the most important findings of your dissertation, you should try to use some essential software like EXCEL, STATA and SPSS etc. 

There are some students who are confused either they can add background information in the findings section of the dissertation or not. The answer to their question is that they can present the background information in the introductory section of the dissertation rather than findings section of the dissertation.

Information By: Dissertation Help
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